Saturday, April 28, 2007


I'm giving away a lot of my ceramics, so lay claim to them soon, before someone else does. (I'm not adverse to being paid for any of these items, though, but I'm not really expecting payment.)

There are still more items I haven't added to the Adoption page, so check back frequently. (I'll attempt to have everything up by late monday/tuesday.)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Penguin Waves!

Tug the string and the penguin waves!

Made from stoneware clay with commercial underglazes, fired to cone 05.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Experimentation with glass & ceramics

I had a blue bottle and a hammer. And then I had lots and lots of blue bottle bits. I pressed some into unfired porcelain, and then set some in the recess of a stoneware box lid. (I might etch the lid. Maaaybe.)

They turned out well, I think:

Beads, just under 3/4" and 1" tall.

Box! The stuff on the box is sprayed cobalt carbonate, but it's totally not blue. Oh well. The lid came out very nice, though:

Isn't that hot?

I'd put glass shards in the recess (about 1/4" deep), and drizzled hot wax over it to make sure no one would accidentally dump broken glass all over if they happened to bump the piece. (The wax burned out way at the beginning of the firing cycle.)

Disappearing Cheshire Cat shot glass!

I've been working at this idea for awhile: when etched glass is in contact with liquid, it becomes nearly transparent again. I thought about what designs would work well with this idea, and I hit upon the Cheshire Cat. I etched the cat inside the glass, but etched the grin on the outside, so when you pour water into it, everything disappears, leaving just the grin.
I plan on making a much cleaner/neater/preciser glass sometime, but for now, the concept comes through fine. (There's a video of the glass in action, if you scroll to the bottom of this post. And for low-bandwidth folks, there's a hilariously crappy animated gif instead.)

Before liquid

Pour booze in, and voila!
(It's water, actually)

Video of water being poured in!

I warned you it was hilariously crappy

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Spring + Snow == WTF & Photos

It's April, I'm on the middle of the East Coast of the United States. It snowed last night.

Let me reiterate: It. Freaking. Snowed. Last. Night.

I was rather convinced that it wouldn't actually snow, but since it did, I took the opportunity to get some photos of the confused-looking flowers covered in snow.

Enjoy their pain/appreciate their sacrifice to be that pretty.

I have 50+ photos, but most of them are essentially the same shot to compensate for composition/blur/lighting. Once I care, maybe, I'll post some more somewhere.