Saturday, December 17, 2005

Post exams post

(I discuss how I made these on Instructables)
I think I shall plan out plushy Legionnaire arms and armor, as well as Hoplite arms and armor. I've already got the Legionnaire helm and a pilum and then I made:

Fleece Corinthian helmet.

Nothing fuels creativity like stress + no sleep + caffiene!

Still missing from the line up: Duck hat, Crab hat, Dragon hat v.2, uh... I can't remember what else. I'll get back to you on that one.

I'm not entirely sure what is up next on my to-do list, but that's certainly not due to a lack of possibilities. Fruits Basket Juunishi hats, superhero hats, felting, quilling, glass etching, so much stuff! Totally not going to do it all.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Glass etching & Hats!

Technically, I've got several more hats and some other etched glass projects done, but I don't have photo evidence for those yet. I do have photo evidence for the latest completed item, something I pretty much had no hand in making: (read: Trillian did all the work)

Corsair Cola mug! (& A closer, clearer shot of the lettering)

Actually, you can have some hat pictures too:


Mouse/Yuki & Cow/Not-actually-Hatsuharu


(I discuss how I made these on Instructables)

Friday, December 09, 2005

Guess what I've been working on? Hint: Begins with "H" ends with "@"

(I discuss how I made these on Instructables)
At first there was PenguinHat v.1, then PenguinHat v.2 was commissioned. Then there was CthulhuHat, the CenturionHelmetHat. Then I made a DragonHat (picture pending, still), a Chibi-AlphoseHat (from Full Metal Alchemist), RaccoonHat, and a PandaHat.
And so, HATS!

Dan posing with Cthulhu eating his head.

G!Sam posing with Chibi-Al

RaccoonHat Frontish

RaccoonHat Backish


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Silly hats & more!

It started out with a BSed-at-3am-in-the-dark prototype penguin cap.
Then I made a second, better penguin hat.
Then I realized that the hat base could be ... well, used as a hat base for stuff.
So I raided a fabric store for fleece and several hours later, I had hats.

We have, going clockwise: a penguin with flipper-earflaps, Roman Legionnaire helm with cheekplates that work as ear flaps, and Cthulhu-hat, complete with squiggly face and wings. (I haven't quite finished him, actually. A few hand sewing bits haven't happened yet. Also the eyes...)

Fun fact: it's my Nietzsche plushie doll that's wearing the penguin hat. You can see a little bit of his grey trousers under the left wing of Cthulhu.

(I discuss how I made these on Instructables)

I had a few caffeinated drinks and now I'm running a dozen projects, most of them silly hats, but a few non-hat ones. Like the glass vase I etched. The thing is a single flower (or so) rose-plum tinted vase with (suprise!) a rose etched on it.

Sorry, the glare off the glass renders the design hard to see. But it seemed lonely and I didn't have any random flowers to put in the vase. But I did have alot of wire around. A few minutes with pliers and voila-- wire rose. It's really 3-D, so the photo just makes it look like a skeletal crumpled up tinfoil ball. Bah.

On the left is a close up of the flower portion of the etch. It's definitely a stylized image. I found a nice design that's meant to be a tattoo, stretched it, tweaked it and then etched it. I think I like it.